President Macron discovers Pau's ground-breaking hydrogen bus Fébus

January 14th, president Macron visited Pau to discover the city's ecological initiatives, including the new eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cell bus ‘Fébus’.
Fébus was unveiled in September and launched in December. A fleet of 8 buses will travel around the city by local transport operator IDELIS.
The buses are co-financed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCHJU), 3 in the framework of the 3Emotion project and 5 under the JIVE 2 project.
Fébus is a new so calles 'tram-bus' based on the “Exqui.City”, specially created for Pau by Van Hool.
Its unique and innovative features have enabled it to win the highest distinction, the "Grand Award Bus", rewarding technological and aesthetic innovation, as well as the Ecology label, at the 25th edition of the BUSWORLD in Brussels, which is the largest and oldest bus exhibition in the world.
The launch of this innovative and environmentally friendly bus marks a step further towards a zero-emission European society.
Dowload the press release (in French).
More information on France 3 (in French).