Building of the HRI in Pau started

Friday jan. 11th, Mr François Bayrou (Mayor of Pau) and Mr Nicolas Patriarche (President of SMTU, the Transport Authority) have announced that the buidling work of the future HRI is started In Pau. The Station - co-financed by the 3Emotion project - will be operational over next summer and will deliver between 174 and 268kg of H2 per day.
The station will provide green hydrogen, the hydrogen is poduced by electrolysis of water, out of renewable energy sources. It will be operated by ENGIE/GNVERT and includ an ITM Power electrolyser.
It will refuell 8 Van Hool Exqui.City buses on hydrogen (3 buses are co-financed by the 3Emotion project, 5 by the JIVE project).
The first buses will be operational in september 2019
You can download the French press release here